Thursday, April 22, 2010

Where Gold comes from.

Gold is created in a dying star, a star that has converted all its atoms into iron. Iron which is made up of 26 protons is the heaviest element a star can make, this iron heats up so much it explodes violently, but once it goes into supernova mode it can create extraordinary heavy elements with even numbered protons 30,40 etc... What is truly a miracle is when it creates an odd numbered Element like Gold with 79 protons. The more massive the explosion, the more gold it creates and this could happen in space with any massive star and has has happened to many stars already. Every time a supernovae occurs all the atoms of gold coalesce in space with other hot gases to form a planet much like our earth, the spinning of hot gasses in this young planet throw off the gold atoms in its outer layer and as the planets outer layer cools the gold becomes trapped. The way the gold comes up again is through the planets surface in process of rising tectonics,and hot magma due to volcanic eruptions. Our Sun will die in 10 billion years but will not go supernovae because it is not massive enough.Our star changes its hydrogen into helium instead and not iron like those other stars that are 10 or 20 times more massive than our sun. Our sun instead will expand and then slowly contract into a white dwarf and then crystalize into a giant diamond, like the white dwarf recently discovered in the constellation Centaurus 50 light years away. Supernovas also create diamonds, preferably black diamonds along with some white diamond dust and later carried through the universe on comets and asteroids. Unlike Gold most diamonds are naturally created 120 miles below our planet surface under intense heat and pressure and created from small bits of carbon. Gold has amazing properties a single ounce of gold could be made into wire 5 miles long and can be hammered into a sheet 0.0001 millimeters, so thin that even light could penetrate through it. All the pure gold mined in history could fit inside an olympic sized pool , roughly 100,000 tons. It might appear we have more,this is because nearly all gold is mixed with harder metals and this creates larger pieces of jewlery..There is still 21 trillion tons in the earths crust, which might have taken alot of exploding stars to make. So no wonder the native peoples of the Americas like the Aztecs called Gold the Sweat of the Sun, and they were partly right.So the next time you hold a piece of gold in your hand, you are holding a piece of a star that was 10 times bigger than our sun, it is millions or billions of years old and created in the most violent explosion in the universe and traveled millions of years, and perhaps even billions to get here.

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